Mudhook Pint Night Ride

Mudhook Brewing and Gung-Ho bicycles hosts a pint night ride in York. It's a fun social/conversational pace. It's not long... a 13ish mile ride that starts after work and meanders side streets down into York for a beer and food stop at Mudhook Brewing. They pick up the first pint and chill and enjoy company and good food and beer.

With full bellies, we head back out to the parking garage and ride to the top for sunset. After the photo opps, we spiral back down and up through the city to the north extension of the rail trail and then back through neighborhoods with blinkie tail lights and headlights blazing the way home.

During good weather, rides are every other week on Wednesday. Contact Gung-Ho or visit the Gung-Ho Community on facebook for details of upcoming rides.

Uploaded by Ed Hidden on 2016-06-01.
School Portraits

School Portraits

River City Pinball League in Harrisburg