A brief testing of 360 cameras

In 2022, while I wasn’t doing much riding or filming, I was testing a new photo accessory that ended up not hitting my stride with. That’s the Insta360 One X2. I had borrowed it from a co-worker to test it out and then ended up buying it off of him when the mount fell off the back of my Dad’s motorcycle while out for a ride on Skyline Drive in Virginia. I struggled to get a handle on it.

What did I like about the Insta360 One X2?

I liked all the different effects and angles you could accomplish in post processing to frame and make very different content after the fact of filming.

What did I NOT like about the Insta360 One X2?

I didn’t like that you could ONLY really work with footage after a lot of post processing. Workflow is dramatically increased with this camera. I also struggled with the quality of the output as it was 4k cropped down a lot.

Why would I use an Insta360 OneX2 (or other 360 camera)?

They do have some unique angles and can do some amazing things. I think their shots are best used sparingly in a final edit. For my tastes, I want to more mimic the look of having a videographer behind the lens and have a more film like production and the 360 cameras don’t do that. However for some b-roll shots intersperced with other third person view… they would make a great addition to a film. But I’m looking for adding to my kit for the other 90% of the film right now.

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